Beyond Batteries
ElectroChemical vs. ElectroStatic
Batteries Store Energy ElectroCHEMICALLY
•Electrochemical DECAY produces electricity
•Electrochemical reaction generates heat
•Dendrites can lead to fires and explosions
•Regular maintenance & replacement costs
Supercapacitors Store Energy ElectroSTATICALLY
•Electrostatic energy storage has NO DECAY
•Electrostatic energy transfer produces NO HEAT
•Supercapacitors have no risk of fire or explosion
•No maintenance or replacement costs expected
ENCAP Technology Comparison
ENCAP vs The Competition
25 Year Cost Comparison ENCAP vs Tesla Megapack
ENCAP has the Lowest Levelized Cost of Energy * (No Replacement Cycles)
* Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) is a cost of generating energy (usually electricity) for a particular system. It is an economic assessment of the cost of the energy-generating system including all the costs over its lifetime
Overall Assumptions
•Solar + Grid energy storage
•Prices are as published
•Site Prep Completed
Tesla Megapack (3.1MW)
•Only one cycle per day
•Temp affects performance
•Optimum temp 73F
•8-year replacement cycle
*Risk of fire and explosion
ENCAP (3.1MW) Graphene
•Multiple cycles per day
•Wide temp tolerance
•No risk of thermal runaway
•No replacement cycles/costs
ENCAP Microgrid Support
•Containerized Energy Storage solution
•Available in various sizes & capacities
•Configurable to meet local Grid specs
•Ruggedized design for military missions
•Maintenance free, easy parts replacement
•Easy to scale by connecting multiple pods
•Smart grid software for load prioritization